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A picture of how this BBB thing might work out

fingers crossed

This is a helpful approach to salvaging what’s left of Build Back Better if Emperor Manchin hasn’t completely thrown in with MAGA. I don’t know if this particular mixture of programs is the right one, although it sounds right to me. Let’s hope they move fast:

.@RonWyden releases outline for the pillars of an updated BBB that might fit Sen. Manchin’s criteria while also bringing along progressives.

-Long-term expansion of the current child tax credit
-Tech neutral energy tax incentives
-Rx drug price control

It is not unreasonable for Democratic critics of Build back Better to complain that the plan to simply shorten the funding window of its programs to fit under the 1.75 trillion umbrella was always going to be non-starter. Anyone who felt sure that Democrats would be in charge once they expired in five years or that Republicans would be compelled to keep those programs going was fooling themselves. Hope is not a plan.

The truth is that once Sinema nixed the tax hikes on the wealthy and Manchin continued playing his reindeer games, it was clear probably they were going to have to pare down the bill. It’s ok. If they could get these three programs it would be a fantastic achievement that would make a huge difference in the lives of tens of millions of people. And tomorrow is another day.

I don’t know if it can happen. Manchin has been moving the goalposts throughout the process so he may very well move them again. But there’s still a chance to move something through reconciliation and this approach appears to be the only thing left on the table.

Fingers crossed.

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