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Who’s The Big Winner?

With the news that GDP grew 5.9% last year and December was well over 6%, it might be time to start talking about the Biden Boom:

Something to think about from Simon Rosenberg:

To recap a big year:

GDP growth under Biden more than 3 times each of last 3 GOP Presidents

Job growth under Biden 3 times last 3 GOP Presidents COMBINED

40m of 42m jobs created since 1989 – 95% – have come under Dem Presidents.

That the economy performs so well under Democrats and does so poorly under Republicans is perhaps the most important least understood story in American politics today.

40m of 42m jobs created since 1989 – 95% – have come under Dem Presidents.

The performance of the US economy in 2021 was truly remarkable.

Strongest GDP growth in almost 40 years.

Over 6m jobs created, three times as many as were created by last 3 GOP Presidents COMBINED.

All this growth took place in a time of enormous adversity, and is truly a sign that the “can do” American spirit is alive and well.

A truly remarkable stat – more new businesses were formed last year than any year in American history.

Despite Biden’s success as a steward of the US economy, and decades of Dems success which proceeded 2021, Rs has an advantage over Ds on the economy today.

Changing that, winning the econ argument with Republicans should be Dems highest political priority now.

We hosted @robshapiro for a discussion about what he calls “The Biden Boom.”

Watch our talk, read his two recent essays in the @monthly below.

As an architect of Clinton economic plan which created 4% GDP growth over 8 yrs his insights are invaluable.

And was pleased to be able to talk about the Biden Boom, and how Dems should need to fight to get the credit they deserve for our good work in this new, lively @deepstateradio discussion.

Originally tweeted by Simon Rosenberg (@SimonWDC) on January 27, 2022.

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