It’s not difficult to figure out

Yes, there are a million reasons why there was resistance to Trump from the very beginning. But if his moronic follower can’t figure out that this was the coup de grace, the final nail in his bit gold coffin, they are even more deluded than he was.
Two years ago today, in the midst of a global pandemic:
He did this while the entire world was petrified that they were going to die from this insidious disease. The whole economy was shut down, we had unemployment almost as high as the Great Depression and this jackass was out there pushing snake oil cures and instructing scientists to look into whether drinking bleach or lysol might be a good treatment.
It was shocking. And the fact that normal, intelligent people didn’t rush out to join political rallies,l which they always cite as proof that Joe Biden could have possibly won, makes them even dumber than he is.