… but will they hold the next time?

Trump’s running in 2024. If he wins, and there’s a fair chance he will what with all the election shenanigans in the battleground state, he will undoubtedly take the advice of those around him who are demanding that enact a massive purge of the federal government and he will not hire anyone who isn’t a proven loyalist. I don’t think he will follow any laws he doesn’t want to and will be happy to fight any objections in court because … well, the courts are apparently terrified of Donald Trump (and his violent, insane cult following) and will never hold him accountability for law breaking. He knows this.
He is incapable of intellectual growth and completely depends upon his instincts which have been honed by popular culture and sycophants telling him what he wants to hear. With the number of batshit insane Jack D Ripper retired Generals out there in his circle (it’s not just Flynn) I’m not sure we can count on the military to stop him either. How many equally looney tunes officers are still on active duty?
I know everyone’s mad at Esper for not saying this during the campaign so people could know before they voted. But everyone knew he was a monster. He said many things that were equally crazy in public throughout his term. There were many books written that revealed his total unfitness for the job. Tens of millions voted for him anyway. And they will again.