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Right into the womb

The Republicans have a problem:

Republicans are deeply split on their abortion strategy, with top officials pushing restraint, even silence, while activist GOP candidates demand an all-out campaign for a national ban and harsher penalties. 

 Republicans’ confidence in landslide victories this fall was shaken by the leaked abortion ruling — in part because they know the topic invigorates their base, while rattling many swing voters. 

A top adviser to House Republican leaders tells Axios their polling shows that in races that matter, voters aren’t “hip to this kind of seismic change.”

The adviser said lawmakers are asking for guidance on how to talk about issues like abortion in cases of rape or incest — knowing a hardline view is wildly unpopular. 

The GOP establishment’s initial marching orders, in an NRSC memo leaked to Axios’ Alayna Treene, counseled caution and even silence. 

But activist candidates and voters couldn’t care less what the establishment wants — and see this as the moment to fulfill their lifelong dream of strict abortion bans, with few exceptions, and penalties for those carrying out abortions. 

 Tony Perkins — president of the Family Research Council, who’s been fighting on the issue for 30 years — told me in a phone interview that there’s “some caution about overreach” among GOP leaders.

But they’re privately promising to help push America to be a “predominantly pro-life nation,” Perkins said.

Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman points to swing state Nevada, which has toss-up Senate and governor’s races. The GOP needs suburban voters in the Silver State — but the party’s base is pushing hard for more abortion restrictions.

One thing is certain about modern politics: Rarely does moderation or restraint prevail — especially on cultural, religious or identity issues. In fact, one truism of modern conservatism is: The more the establishment pushes something, the more the base recoils. 

The right’s dilemma is right out there. Is it possible that Democrats won’t take advantage of this? Sadly yes. They need to drive a wedge right through the GOP coalition by forcing every GOP candidate to own their extremists positions or repudiate them. They simply cannot be allowed to worm their way out of this.

But so far, the only thing I’m seeing is a show vote on codifying Roe which will surprise no one. Who doesn’t already know that the Republicans are against Roe vs Wade? The question is whether they are against a total ban on abortion, including no exceptions for rape, incest and the life and health of the mother. Are they against IUDs, Plan B and allowing doctors to treat miscarriage? Are they for repealing Griswold? A national ban?

This is what the Democrats have to pin these people down on. Once Roe is overturned, these are the relevant questions in the states and their nihilist death cult is ready to push the GOP to the extremes. I think a majority of Americans might be concerned by that. If they know about it …

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