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I knew this would not stand

There are some things you DO NOT say

As John Amato quipped: “poor pouty baby”

Here’s what Kellyanne wrote in her book:

“Despite the mountains of money Trump had raised, his team simply failed to get the job done. A job that was doable and had a clear path, if followed. Rather than accepting responsibility for the loss, they played along and lent full-throated encouragement (privately, not on TV) when Trump kept insisting he won.”

“The team had failed on November 3, and they failed again afterward. By not confronting the candidate with the grim reality of his situation, that the proof had not surfaced to support the claims, they denied him the evidence he sought and the respect he was due. Instead supplicant after sycophant after showman genuflected in front of the Resolute Desk and promised the president goods they could not deliver.”

As I wrote before, some of this is sour grapes because she wasn’t hired to be his campaign manager again. (She always took credit for his tepid victory in 2016 even though that campaign was a dumpster fire too.) Still, she’s not wrong about this except that Trump was the one leading the “stop the steal” charge and clearly refused to listen to anyone. They were just sticking with their Dear Leader.

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