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Is Mike Pence a hero?

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Today’s hearing made it clear that Pence was in serious danger on January 6th and the fact that he resisted the bullying and stayed in the Capitol complex so he could be there to fulfill the peaceful transfer of power speaks well of him. The pressure was immense.

On the other hand, I’m not sure I understand why he needed to be convinced that Eastman and Giuliani’s ridiculous plans weren’t legal. Does that mean he believed that the election was illegitimate? That the vote was fraudulent? I get that he realized that he didn’t have the power to do what they were asking of him but did he think the cause was just? I think someone should ask him.

If Pence were a real hero he would be testifying. But he thinks he can be president so he doesn’t want to upset the Trump voters. There’s not a lot of heroism in that.

Still, we have to be grateful he didn’t follow Dear Leader’s orders this one time. Good for him.

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