The only thing American about them are their birth certificates

Two new videos from the Jan. 6 hearings this week won’t leave my brain.
The first is the video by the guy Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk took on a tour of lower levels of the Capitol complex the day before the inurrection. His “Fearless Leader”shows off an American flag to which it appears he’s attatched a metal spike for stabbing “a certain person.” He demonstrates.
The second video is by Ryan Nichols, the East Texas man at the top screaming threats against public officials. There was more to the video than the committee played. For obvious reasons, Nichols remains in jail pending trial.
Business Insider offered a bit more about him:
Ryan Nichols, who was arrested on January 18, 2021, and charged with five felonies and three misdemeanors in connection to the insurrection, is seen in the video threatening violence if the election is certified for Joe Biden.
“I’m hearing reports that Pence caved,” Nichols said in the video. “I’m telling you, if Pence caved, we’re gonna drag motherfuckers through the streets.”
Nichols, a former Marine, appeared to be referencing a false claim from former President Donald Trump that Pence had the power to overturn the election.
Pence was in the Capitol that day to certify the election.
“Cut their head off!” Nichols said. “Republican protestors are trying to enter the House right now at the Capitol is the word that I’m getting. So if that’s true, then get up in there. If you voted for treason, we’re going to drag your ass through the streets.”
Nichols denied a plea deal, pleaded not guilty to the charges against him, and is awaiting trial, CBS19 reported.
Well, at least this guy has been arrested.
But you know what makes me sick, as “Earl Pitts, American” might say? “You know what makes me so angry I might well get my foot caught in a leg trap and then chew my leg off?” It’s how these insurrectionist uber patriots feel so gol-dang entitled to having America their Burger King way. They stand ready to go to guns … or fists or spears or nooses and mobs … if the rest of the country refuses to bow down to their tantrums and penile displays the way they bow down to their orange autocrat.
They reject the democratic process. They reject the Constitution and the rule of law. They reject “taking it like a man,” in their own macho framing, when they don’t get their way. But if lefties get their backs up, we are the threat to the democratic republic that they have no use for if they cannot rule it.
“This kind of party, authoritarian discipline, where you follow the leader or you deserve to die, that’s not democracy. That has nothing to do with democracy,” says Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present.”
It’s ironic. The movement really took off after the election of Barack Obama, and after Donald Trump questioned his Americanness via his birth certificate.
Now the only thing American left about these Real American™ poseurs are their birth certificates.
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