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What accomplishments?

I always wonder what it is that everyone thinks Trump accomplished besides stacking the Supreme Court with extremists and tax cust for the rich and nobody every really says. Sometimes they say, “he made everyone respect us again, which is so delusional I can’t believe even the most hardcore cultists are serious when they say it.

But I came across this list allegedly prepared by Sean Hannity the other day which lays them out. I think it must have been compiled before Kavanaugh and Barrett.:

He rolled back everything attributed to Obama that he could, he”drafted plans” created task forces and commissions, took trips abroad, and some other normal perfunctory duties. But really, the only signature accomplishments were packing the courts and the tax cuts for the wealthy, both of which would have been done by any GOP president. (And it’s interesting that a list prepared by Hannity put those tax cuts near the bottom of the list…)

Needing to be at the center of attention every minute of the day, he spent his term causing chaos and scandal and turning the country into a joke around the world. Apparently, his followers consider that to be the job of president. I suspect they will be disappointed going forward if Trump’s successors don’t live up to his standards.

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