Operant conditioning for Democrats

A tweet this morning got me thinking again about Scooby snacks, positive reinforcement for Democrats. It’s campaign season. Reinforce good behaviors.
John Fetterman, Pennsylvania Democrats’ U.S. Senate candidate, is trolling the hell out of New Jersey’s Mehmet Oz. He’s made Oz’s questionable residency in Pennsylvania, and his character, into a major campaign issue that could well sink the quack’s candidacy. You’ve seen the airplane banner and the clip of Snooki from “Jersey Shore”. Send that man a Scooby snack.
We on the left are quick to apply sticks and way too stingy with carrots. So, when you see candidates coloring outside the lines, when you see incumbents taking a tough stand on issues you support, maybe coloring outside their lines, toss them a Scooby snack, won’t you?
Activist Darcy Burner defined Scooby snacks in an appearance at Netroots Nation in 2009 as she discussed raising her son. Positive reinforcement. Your state representative or senator does something you like? Send them $5 or $10. Same with Congress. Every time. Don’t just make angry calls when they disappoint you. Reinforce the good behavior you want to see more of. It works with kids and pets.
Adrian Fontes, candidate for Secretary of State in Arizona, posts a video dismantling 2nd Amendment nonsense? Scooby snack. (I got a Thank You postcard made up to look like his mom wrote it by hand. Nicely done.)
NC U.S. Senate candidate Cheri Beasley’s campaign finally exhibits signs of life? (I had to look up Billy Eichner. Whatever.)
“I absolutely will not stand for Republicans and their right-wing Supreme Court taking away marriage equality before I’ve even had the chance to get through my first marriage and divorce,” Eichner writes. Scooby snack, for you Cheri.
First time I’ve responded to one of these in a long time. Go forth and do likewise.
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