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Healing through forced childbirth

Jezebel reports:

Tudor Dixon, Michigan’s Trump-endorsed Republican nominee for governor, said in an interview this week that she opposes rape exceptions to abortion bans—even for children and teens—because having a baby can be “healing” after the trauma of sexual assault.

When a Fox 2 Detroit anchor pressed her on why she would deny a 14-year-old rape victim an abortion, Dixon said it’s because she’s spoken to children born of rape. “The bond that those two people made and the fact that out of that tragedy there was healing through that baby, it’s something that we don’t think about,” she said.

“We assume that that story is someone who was taken from the front yard, then returned,” she told anchor Roop Raj of young women who have been raped.

“Those voices—the babies of rape victims—that have come forward are very powerful when you hear their story and what the truth is behind that,” she added. “It’s very hard to not stand up for those people.”

Apparently, she finds it quite easy not to stand up for the rape victims themselves. They are just vessels for the fetus after all and anyway they’ll be “healed” through forced childbirth.

14 year old rape victims are traumatized children. And this loon thinks that putting them through a pregnancy and forced childbirth is necessary because an unviable fetus is more important than these young girls are. It’s monstrous.

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