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I’m trying very hard not to get excited about the midterms. That almost always spells doom and I’d rather not be cast into despair in another November, thank you very much. Let’s just say that if the Republicans win I’m going to say to myself, “thank goodness we have a Democrat in the White House who can veto the horrors they are going to inflict.” That’s about the best I can do.

However, I don’t want to step on anyone’s enthusiasm. There is good reason for hope that the Dems will hold the Senate and even the House is suddenly looking like it’s not out of the question.

Here’s Joe Trippi, writing for the Lincoln Project. He’s been optimistic for months which, at first, I found sort of inexplicable but now has some evidence to back him up. This is not an ordinary year:

I really do believe we have reasons for optimism. The Senate continues to look better. We have work to do with state gubernatorial races but we can win them. And even the House – yes, the House – is in play. 

What momentum? Don’t just take my word for it. Look at the numbers. Dave Wasserman at the Cook Report points out results from Congressional special elections from the start of June. The commentary is mine:

2020 Election: Trump +5
6/7/22 Special Election: R +24
My take: Redistricting makes this an outlier.

2020 Election: Biden +4
6/14/22 Special Election: R +5
My take: This was not the wipeout many predicted with Biden’s approval ratings where they are – first sign of true decoupling.

– Dobbs Decision handed down on 6/24/22 –

2020 Election: Trump +11
6/28/22 Special Election: R+5
Red alert if you’re predicting a red wave… outperforming Trump by 6 in a very red district is a great sign.

2020 Election: Trump +10
8/9/22 Special Election: R+4
My take: 6 points better than Trump. Rinse and repeat.

2020 Election: Biden +2
8/23/22 Special Election:  D+2
My take: This one’s it. This is the bellwether. Biden won by 1.5 and it looks like we will win it by close to 3.

2020 Election: Trump +11
8/23/22 Special Election: R+7
My take: Likely going to be 6 or so – in a very red district.

Here’s why Cook and others continue revising their “red wave” predictions more to a “red mirage” — in every special election since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Dem enthusiasm and turnout is off the charts. And the results are proving it. Even Nate Silver, whose model at 538 is also largely results-based, said just how important NY19 could prove to be:  

“A 2020-type performance is not a particularly high bar to clear for Dems, who had a meh year in races for Congress. But it would be enough for them to be clear favorites in the Senate, and maybe add a seat or two. And the House would be at least a toss-up, probably lean D”

That’s exactly what happened in New York. And here’s something else you may not know: There are 222 districts bluer than NY19. We need to hold 218 to hold the House.

I want to make one more point because it is an important one. Nate Silver got at this in a Twitter thread this week that is worth diving into. But he points out just how problematic Trump is even though he brings up turnout: “Trump attracts lots of low-propensity voters… that’s helpful in presidential years, but they may not vote much otherwise. And he creates lots of problems for the GOP, including a party that has somewhat given up on trying to win the center of the electorate.”

NY19 was critical for this reason. The Republican candidate was not MTG or Boebert. But voters saw that if he won, he’d be enabling them and the Jim Jordans of the House to go full on ultra-MAGA crazy. In a lot of ways, the ultra-MAGA candidates are poisoning even the other candidates who may be trying to hide it or mask how out there they are. We saw this in 2010 on a smaller scale. But now it’s out there and impossible to hide. It takes a while to sink in. But the ultra-MAGA poison might be the drag on the GOP that wins us this November.

There’s a long way to go. But — just looking at the numbers, I’d rather be us than them.

His last point is important and I think he’s right. Republicans can pretend to “moderate”now but everyone knows what being a Republican means today. It’s the party of Marjorie Taylor Green and Donald Trump. If you are running with that R after your name you are on that team. They can’t hide that.

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