I knew Trump made fun of Jeff Sessions’ accent but I didn’t know he said this:
In “Confidence Man,” [Maggie] Haberman writes that Trump would “rant” that he deserves credit for nominating “the first mentally retarded attorney general in history” when the topic of Sessions was brought up by other White House officials — who often did so to redirect Trump’s ire away from themselves.
It’s the latest detail to surface about one of the longest-running feuds of Trump’s presidency.
He is a monster.
This feud warned every Republican that they were essentially Trump’s vassals — and they eagerly threw themselves into the role. Sessions bucked him on the Russia investigation but backed him on all the draconian immigration policies and then groveled and begged for attention when he ran for the senate again and Trump kicked him in the face. It was ugly. But the Republicans all know what the rules of the game are and they keep coming back for more.