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Will Hunter Biden go to jail?

Could very well be

I would bet it’s far more likely than Trump or any member of his family doing it. After all, he doesn’t have an army of fanatics threatening to blow up the country if they cross Trump.

It appears that Hunter is in trouble:

Federal agents investigating Hunter Biden believe they have enough evidence to charge him with lying on his taxes and on an application to purchase a gun, according to the Washington Post.

But as the Post notes, it’s Justice Department prosecutors, not federal agents, who will determine whether charges are filed — and it’s not clear what they’re thinking. The decision will ultimately rest with David C. Weiss, the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, who was appointed by Donald Trump in 2017.

One possible tax charge would likely stem from Biden’s failure to declare income related to his nebulous lobbying work in Ukraine and China. An investigation into his taxes has been ongoing for many years; as the New York Times reported earlier this year, that probe took on a broader scope during the Trump years. Biden made a $2 million tax payment earlier this year that he might have hoped would forestall any charges.

The possible gun charge involves Biden’s answer on a federal firearms-licensing form that asks if the applicant is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.” He reportedly answered “no” when purchasing a firearm in 2018 despite having chronicled his addiction to crack cocaine. The Post notes that it is “relatively rare” for such gun cases to be prosecuted and that prosecutors have wide discretion on whether to pursue them.

Trump’s daughter and son in law were in the White House, refused to divest their businesses and made millions even as they were directly influencing policy decisions. Once out, within months, Jared Kushner got a 2 billion dollar windfall. Don Jr and Eric, neck deep in politics, were running around the world pimping Trump properties while their father was president. Is any of that illegal? I don’t know.

I also don’t know if they properly filed their taxes but I doubt it. They are chips off the old block and Donald Trump certainly cheats. He brags about it. Somehow I doubt that they will be investigated and even if they are nothing will come of it.

If Hunter broke the law he should pay. He may go to prison. (I hope they put him in protective custody if he does because he will be in massive personal danger if they don’t.) And if Trump is not similarly indicted, it will just reinforce the idea that he is both a super-hero and a persecuted martyr.

And, by the way, the right is going to have a cow if Hunter isn’t prosecuted for influence peddling and corruption. These agents who have leaked this information to pressure the Trump appointed prosecutor would surely have made that case if they could but I doubt Fox News will accept that.

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