And do it soon. Winter is coming.
A data-driven segment on vaccines and boosters worth watching.
Thanks @chrislhayes for staying on this as we face a new wave in the weeks ahead with an exceptionally low (34%) booster rate (half that of all high income countries)
2 key data points from the segment

Keep this summary data–preventing deaths–in mind
Originally tweeted by Eric Topol (@EricTopol) on October 8, 2022.
I can’t tell you how many people my age (aka old) I have told to get the new vaccine who have told me they just don’t plan to do it. “It’s no worse than a cold” and “I know plenty of people who got it and they’re fine” and “long COVID is just PTSD.” Others have said they didn’t know about it or that they’ll get it eventually they just don’t think it’s necessary right now.
I don’t know what to say. I send information, I send reminders, I try to convince them and while I have had some small success it really doesn’t seem to penetrate. I’m very worried. People will die solely because they refused to get vaccinated and I will never understand it.
A fall COVID-19 booster campaign could:
Prevent 90,000 deaths
Prevent 936,000 hospitalizations
Avert $56 billion in direct medical costsThis is according to new estimates by @MeaganCFitz, @abhiganit, @Alison_Galvani & colleagues @commonwealthfnd. 1/2
With the recent authorization of bivalent boosters, “a vaccination campaign that moves aggressively could avert a surge of hospitalizations and deaths, and save money in the process,” write the researchers.
Read the full study ⬇️ 2/2
Originally tweeted by Yale School of Public Health (@YaleSPH) on October 6, 2022.