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Tom Barrack wishes he’d never supported Trump

“In hindsight, unquestionably”

The day before yesterday:


It’s actually not as bad as you think. Barrack frames himself as a sort of victim of cancel culture because of his association with Trump. However, he also sideswiped him with some shade:

The 75-year-old California native, who led Trump’s 2016 presidential inaugural committee, revealed that he “thought that as soon as [Trump] was elected, he would be more moderate and more acceptable.” 

However, Barrack testified, his connection to the administration made shareholders of his company, Colony Capital, “upset” and was the reason he said he was “sitting with all of you today.”

Asked about the impact on his business, Barrack said, “The owners of public shares vote with their feet.”  And he added that with “the continued drama that this president found himself in … a lot of these institutional shareholders were upset that I was involved with the president.”

When asked if he regrets his support for Trump’s campaign and his association with the administration once in office, Barrack told the jury, “in hindsight, unquestionably,” adding that politicians, regardless of party, are “just involved in ugliness.”

It’s hard to say how Trump took this. He hasn’t responded to these comments. But he can’t be happy that Barrack said he wishes he didn’t support Trump and assumed when he did that he would have been “more moderate” and “acceptable.”

By the way, there’s an excellent chance that Barrack will be found not guilty (the word is the case is pretty weak) and if that happens I’m sure Trump will accept Barrack’s victory as another of his own. And sadly, every such victory strengthens Trump’s hold on his deluded flock.

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