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In these rapidly changing times online, there’s something to be said for good old-fashioned blogging

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It’s Happy Hollandaise time here at Hullabaloo and I want to thank those who have supported this “vintage” blog through the last 20 years. I literally could not have done it without you and you’ll never know how much I appreciate it.

I also want to send out a big thank you to my incredible morning man, Tom Sullivan, who never, ever misses a day, religiously writing two great posts a day with humor, insight and compassion. His dedication to local activism in his home state of North Carolina is an inspiration and the small pamphlet he’s written about grassroots organizing called “For the Win” is being used in districts all over the country. I am so lucky to have him and so is the Democratic Party. It’s progressives like Tom, toiling away in a purpleish state like North Carolina who ensure that the very necessary but slow, frustrating process of transitioning a Red state to Blue continues. He never gives up and we can’t give up either.

The next two years are going to be interesting and possibly terrifying times in American politics. We’re already in the presidential election cycle (ohmydeargod). Social media is hurtling off in new directions and nobody knows if we’re going to be able to keep the information flowing in useful ways. I believe that blogging’s old-fashioned mixture of long form analysis mixed with short takes and our unique synthesis of various news sources with opinion and activism is a necessary part of the mix.

If you agree, I’d very much appreciate your support so that we can keep doing it through what you know is going to be a crazy time. It means the world to me.

Happy Hollandaise everyone!

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