The people that you meet each day

From CNN:
A Minnesota man who federal authorities say expressed admiration for mass shooters was arrested Wednesday after allegedly trying to purchase hand grenades and a firearm component that converts an AR-15 style rifle into an illegal machine gun, the Justice Department announced.
River Smith, 20, has been charged with one count each of illegal possession of a machine gun and attempting to receive and possess destructive devices, according to a criminal complaint.
During an FBI investigation, Smith told a government informant that he is “pro mass shooting.” He also expressed sympathy for the Parkland school shooter and called the person charged in the recent shooting at a Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub “a hero,” according to the complaint.
Smith is alleged to have purchased “three hand grenades and four illegal machine gun conversion parts from the government informant” on Wednesday. He was wearing soft body armor and carrying a loaded handgun rigged to fire fully automatic, another report says.
Smith, who resides in the town of Savage, got on the radar of local police after accidentally shooting his grandmother in the hand when he was 17 (2019). Police recovered a small arsenal and “turned up web searches about Hitler and Nazis, videos of gay people being killed and bombmaking instructions.”
Smith was reported to the FBI in September by a retired police officer who works at a gun range Smith frequented, according to the complaint. The retired officer said he saw Smith – dressed in plated armor designed to stop bullets – performing rapid reload drills and shooting hundreds of rounds of ammunition in a short period of time, the complaint says.
Over the course of the investigation, Smith told a confidential government source that he has an “intense dislike” of minorities, Jewish people and gay people and expressed racism toward Black people, according to the complaint.
He also told another government source that he was previously interested in joining a neo-Nazi group, the complaint says.
Pro tip: Don’t practice your rapid reload drils and practice firing hundreds of rounds in a single session at your local gun range. While wearing plate armor and a Punisher mask. It attracts attention.
Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
Say, who are the people in your neighborhood?
The people that you meet each day
Happy Hollandaise everyone! If you’d like to throw a little something in the old Hullabaloo stocking, it would be most appreciated.