The end of the year is soon upon us and it’s time to count our blessings. One of my greatest blessings, besides my stalwart spouse and two great cats, is you, the loyal readers of this site. Being able to do what I love for these past 20 years is an amazing privilege and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Speaking of blessings, I confess that I was a little bit surprised that the House Ways and Means Committee decided to release Trump’s tax returns yesterday. If there’s a committee that can usually be counted on to play it safe, it’s them But they did it and we will now be privy to the records to which we should have been privy since that man rode down the escalator insulting immigrants like he was at a drunken birthday party in Queens circa 1952. Or maybe 1852. We may not know exactly how much money the pathological liar really has but we know he hasn’t paid his fair share of income taxes. Maybe his cult doesn’t care about that but plenty of Americans do.
These things shouldn’t be so hard. If the Republicans actually cared the slightest about “character,” which they screeched about for decades, they would not have elected Trump. They have the nerve to evoke God and Christianity at every turn even as they defend that cretinous scofflaw. It’s been an eye-opener, to say the least. The number of true Christians on the right can fit into a small broom closet.
The next two years may be the most tumultuous years yet. There is a lot going on in the world, what with war on the edge of Europe, China in turmoil and possibly incubating new COVID variants among the millions of their citizens who are now succumbing to the virus with the lock downs lifted, the economy still in flux and the batshit Republicans doing everything they can to make America break again.
I hope you’ll stop by here frequently as we try to deconstruct all this in real time and hopefully synthesize it into understandable information. If you would be willing to help us do that, we would be most grateful.
You can support our work by using the address on the left sidebar of hitting one of the buttons below. And thank you.
Happy Hollandaise everyone!