Where private jet parking is a bitch
Ken Klippenstein from his substack:
No, Davos is not a secret plan to raise a stadium of babies in Matrix-style incubator pods, as some Twitter users supposed — prompting a fact check from Reuters.
The real Davos conspiracy is hiding in plain sight and it’s pretty much the kind of pro-business agenda you’d expect from a bunch of billionaire Fortune 500 CEOs, heads of state and central bankers meeting at a ski resort in the Swiss Alps. A recent article on the World Economic Forum’s website about “the Davos Agenda” gives you the basic idea: “We desperately need to disrupt our approach to retirement saving.” People are living longer, you see, so they’ll “want to work past mandatory retirement age…while others will need to work longer to remain financially resilient in later life.”
Uh-huh. Let me translate:
“We the uber-wealthy desperately need to de-finance national safety net programs like Social Security so we can keep older people (“human resources”) working longer at unsatisfying, low-paying jobs where we treat them like shit so we can become even more uber-wealthy. Pay them so little that they have to work, perhaps until they drop, just to pay bills and eat.”
Klippenstein writes, “In other words, grandma’s going to have to go back to work.” But Davos will say so in “the bloodless, euphemistic language that is the province of economists.”
“That’s the real Davos agenda: business friendly proposals so banal that even the most insidious ones pass without notice.”
Except one need not jet into Davos to hear those. Listen to Republicans and read the Wall Street Journal.