They did not

The tiny red trickle last November was a coincidence, apparently. They’re all-in on the forced pregnancy thing.
The Republican National Committee passed a resolution Monday urging party members at both the state and federal levels to pass the most aggressive anti-abortion legislation possible in the run-up to 2024.
It specifically points to heartbeat bills, which usually translate as six-week gestational bans — before most women know that they’re pregnant — and “fetal pain” legislation, premised on the anti-abortion myth that embryos and fetuses can feel pain far before they’ve developed the structures that would allow them to.
The resolution also blames Republicans’ historically weak midterms performance on candidates failing to push their anti-abortion bona fides hard enough.
You read that right. They didn’t press their out of the mainstream, anti-abortion beliefs hard enough which evidently led to people voting for Democrats instead?
Actually, they clearly believe they failed on turnout which is incorrect. Republicans had great turnout it’s just that Independents and some Republicans actually did vote for Democrats instead — because they disagreed with their anti-abortion beliefs.
They are still deluding themselves and that’s just fine. But sure Gopers, please make your throwback views even more clear to American voters. Surely they’ll be much more motivated to vote for you.