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Blatantly cruel bigots are running for president

And they aren’t trying to hide it

Here’s one of them:

Yep. I have no doubt there were plenty of men just like him who used to say about Black people, “if you take a Black man and tell me I have to accept that they’re equal then you’re asking me to be complicit in a lie. I refuse to do that.” They probably also said, “If you take a woman and tell me I have to accept they’re equal to a man then you’re asking me to be complicit in a lie.” I’m sure they said, “If you take a homosexual and tell me I have to accept that they have a right to marry just like a normal person, you’re asking me to be complicit in a lie.” They refused to accept all those obvious realities until they had to. But even now, they still believe they are lies.

These people are just so cruel. It’s grotesque.

Representative Zooey Zephyr took to the floor of the Montana Legislature on Tuesday to make an impassioned plea for her colleagues to reject a bill that would ban transition care for transgender minors, saying that denying such care would be “tantamount to torture.”

“This body should be ashamed,” Ms. Zephyr, a first-term Democrat and the Legislature’s first transgender member, said. “If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments I hope the next time there’s an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands.”

The Montana Freedom Caucus, a group of conservative lawmakers, responded by accusing Ms. Zephyr in a letter of “attempting to shame the legislative body” by using “hateful rhetoric.” The letter, which misgendered Ms. Zephyr, called for her to be censured.

On Thursday, however, the House adjourned without taking that step. It was unclear if they planned to take up the matter on Friday.

I would ask why in the world these people care so much but we know why. They’re frightened of anything they don’t understand and that fear determines their whole worldview. Being bullies toward vulnerable people makes them feel powerful. For a moment. Here’s one now:

It’s like something out of a dystopian novel. It’s a nightmare. And you can’t say that it’s just because they don’t know anyone who is trans. They are doing this right to this woman’s face, without any compunction. To misgender her, the way the Great White Hope of the GOP establishment Ron DeSantis, is the equivalent of white legislators calling a Black membr of the body the “N” word back in the day and then censuring him for daring to object.

It’s always something with these bigots. They are such small, empty, soulless people that they simply can’t accept living in this world with people who believe they have a right to exist and thrive as equal citizens.

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