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“We are not going to out-organize voter suppression”

The right has on a full-court press to suppress the votes of black, brown, and young voters, voting rights attorney Marc Elias told Nicolle Wallace Friday afternoon. For the left, this is not an organizing or a messaging problem, Elias continued.

Not to put Jeff Sharlet’s words in Elias’ mouth, but the right is waging a cold civil war against voting rights. Against democracy itself. He was reacting to statements by GOP attorney Cleta Mitchell about targeting college students for suppression tactics.

Frank Schaeffer, son of the late evangelical mover and shaker, Francis Schaeffer, appeared later on The ReidOut with a rant against Christian nationalists. I can’t find the video just now, but it was chilling.

These people are true believers, Schaeffer said emphatically. They want to turn the U.S. into an evangelical version of Iran. I’ve lived among these people. Do not doubt it.

The problem for the left is that too few of us lack their conviction and commitment. Our deer in the headlights approach will end only one way.

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