The news media is always pounding on the fact that polls say that people think Biden is too old and mentally decrepit to run for another term. (His apparent ability to close a deal with the batshit House GOP without giving away the store argues otherwise but …) I have always wondered why they don’t ask the same question about Trump. He’ll be 77 in a couple of months and there’s plenty of evidence that he’s the one not playing with a full deck:
As it turns out people are just as concerned about Trump’s brain function as Biden’s — and they have much greater concerns about Trump’s character:
A Fox News poll found that 56% of Americans do not believe former President Donald Trump has the “mental soundness” to be president.
A survey conducted by the conservative outlet gave Trump a 33-point lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).
The survey also compared President Joe Biden’s character to Trump.
Biden had a 9-point advantage over Trump regarding honesty and an 8-point lead for empathy. 11% fewer people also believe that Biden is corrupt.
When it came to mental soundness, 56% said that Trump should not be president. As for Biden, 60% of those Fox News polled agreed he did not have the mental soundness to do the job.
Let’s face it, they’re both too old. But if that’s what’s on the menu, I’d pick the honest old guy any day. If there’s anything to the idea that people get more YOLO when they get old, then you really don’t want a geriatric criminal who figures he’s got nothing to lose running the country.