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The Great Purge, MAGA style

The Soviets were big on purging anyone who deviated from the party line (and quite a few who didn’t) and the Russia loving MAGA freedom fighters are doing the same. They are making their requirements clear and it now goes even beyond total fealty to Donald Trump:

Republican delegates in North Carolina voted Saturday at their annual convention to censure Thom Tillis, the state’s senior U.S. senator, for backing LGBTQ+ rights, immigration and gun violence policies.

As Sen. Tillis has gained influence in Congress for his willingness to work across the aisle, his record of supporting some key policies has raised concerns among some state Republicans that the senator has strayed from conservative values.

Several delegates in Greensboro criticized Tillis, who has held his seat in the Senate since 2015, for his work last year on the Respect For Marriage Act, which enshrined protections for same-sex and interracial marriages in federal law.

Both the state and national GOP platforms oppose same-sex marriage. But Tillis, who had opposed it earlier in his political career, was among the early supporters of the law who lobbied his GOP colleagues in Congress to vote in favor of it.

Others criticized him for challenging former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies and for supporting a measure that provided funds for red flag laws, which allow state courts to authorize the temporary removal of firearms from people who they believe might pose a danger to themselves or others.

The North Carolina senator initially opposed Trump’s plan to use military construction dollars to build a wall along the nation’s southern border, but he eventually shifted his position.

Tillis spokesperson Daniel Keylin defended the senator’s voting record, writing in an email to The Associated Press that he “keeps his promises and delivers results.”

Don’t ever think that marriage equality (and, apparently, interracial marriage too) isn’t on the hit list. On Immigration and guns any deviation, no matter how small, is cause for expulsion.

This is just a warning. Tillis was re-elected in 2020. But he’s on notice that he will be o-u-t if he doesn’t straighten up and fly right — and so is everyone else in the GOP.

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