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Lindsey Graham is hated by Trumpers in South Carolina? WTH?

What in God’s name did he do to deserve this? He’s the most servile of Trump loving Senators in the government? I don’t get it. Trump pretty much calls him a liberal. What’s he talking about?

Graham isn’t happy. This may be a watershed moment for him. There is literally nothing he can do to make himself more of a Trump sycophant and it isn’t enough, They hate him anyway. He is nothing.

Update. Ok. I guess it must be Ukraine. I suppose he can try to become a Putin loving symp in a vain attempt to remain “relevant” but that’s all he’s got left.

Yikes. This is so fucking sick:

Sounds just a little “Auschwitz-y” to me.

She knew what she was saying. They all did.

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