South Carolina, y’all

Yup. Pretty much like this:
In which a local deploys a metaphor:
Sen. Lindsey Graham is from Central, SC where he once tended bar. Central is just south of Pickens. (I lived in Central, a former mill village, for a stretch in the mid-1980s.)

Lindsey seems to have outlived his usefulness to local MAGA foot soldiers.
Nobody gets indoctrinated around these parts. Hell, no:
Back in the day, the weekly Mountain Monitor of Travelers Rest used to document the weekly car wrapped around a tree and feature (IIRC) articles borrowed from The Thunderbolt (Klan), the apparent voice of truth in America. Since then, T.R. (just north of Greenville) has gentrified some. Pickens, less so, apparently.
Southern Poverty Law Center on the National Justice Party.