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Mitch’s wily plan

This comment by Mitch McConnell in the wake of January 6th keeps making the rounds:

“President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office as an ordinary citizen,” McConnell said moments after the Senate voted 57-43 to convict Trump for his role in fomenting the J6 Insurrection (short of the two-third majority required). “He didn’t get away with anything. Yet.”

Remember, he also said this:

“The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us,” McConnell said of the House’s 2021 impeachment proceedings, according to Times reporters Alex Burns and Jonathan Martin.

What McConnell wanted was for the Democrats to “take care” of Trump and then McConnell and the rest of the Republicans could scream bloody murder about how terrible the Democrats were for doing it.

Today, the DOJ and others are dealing with thDear Leader and the Republicans are rending their garments over the “weaponization of government and further eroding their followers’ trust in government.

Just as Mitch intended…

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