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What’s the charge?

A Biden impeachment is imminent.

It appears they are settling on bribery:

After nearly a year of investigation, House Republicans have decided to try to make bribery the downfall of President Joe Biden as they prepare to open an impeachment inquiry, according to interviews with top House conservatives and four senior aides.

Key Republicans tell The Messenger they are honing in on what they say is a “pay-to-play” bribery scheme involving first son Hunter Biden’s business dealings when he worked for a Ukrainian energy company and his father served as vice president.

“This is not, ‘Oh my God, you were in Washington, D.C., on January 6 so we’re going to send every frigging power of law enforcement after you or your family.’ This is literally: ‘There was money flowing to the son of the vice president turned president,’” Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, a leading proponent of impeaching Biden, told The Messenger. 

House GOP chairmen have spent several months sifting through documents and hauling witnesses to testify before their committees in an effort to prove the Bidens personally capitalized off their access to the White House when Hunter Biden was paid by the Ukrainian firm and, separately, by a Chinese energy company.

“That money was coming from foreign countries,” said Roy, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, the panel that would be tasked with initiating an impeachment proceeding against President Biden. “The vice president and then president was then lying about his knowledge about it. We know that to be true.”

Since 61% of the country already believes that Biden is guilty of doing this “thing” whatever it is, I suppose all they really have to do is put on a good show and Biden will be permanently politically damaged. He won’t be convicted in the Senate, of course. They don’t have the votes, But that’s not what this is about. They just want to smear Biden with enough people that Trump will win re-election. This new polling, however, says that they don’t really need to bother. They’ve successfully smeared him with the charge of being a criminal already.

For what it’s worth, Trump was basically impeached on a bribery charge too but he was the briber instead of the bribee. And, of course, Trump and his family were beyond corrupt while he was president and today. For reasons that remain obscure to me, the Democrats never made anything out of that, but it happened nonetheless. Now the Republicans are getting payback.

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