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Oh, What The Hell

WHAT went viral?

They seemed otherwise unstoppable. Then common terrestrial bacteria felled the invading Martians in “War of the Worlds.” Put a pin in that. Could it be important?

A week or so ago, this post from Adam Kinzinger popped up and … whut? Whatever prompted that was unclear or I missed it and dismissed it.

Then last night this pops up:

#TrumpSmells Becomes Top Trend
in U.S. As Claims of Putrid Odor Go Viral

The hashtag #TrumpSmells quickly skyrocketed to the top trending topic in the United States on X after Donald Trump’s team threw a stink over claims that the ex-president and criminal defendant has an “odor” that is “truly something to behold.”

The story on MeidasTouch includes video “testimony” from former The Apprentice staffer Noel Casler about “Diaper Don”:

“The diapers is not a joke,” Casler began.

“He would often soil himself on The Apprentice set. He’s incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, all the cocaine that he’s done for decades…His [bowels] are uncontrollable.”

Casler claimed that Trump has been wearing diapers since the 1990s and the he had a chance to witness it firsthand in the late 2000s, while working on the set of The Apprentice.

One hellsite user Xitted, “Wonder why Trump hasn’t sued Noel Casler for defamation yet? Prob cause discovery would be wild”

“It’s true. Many people are saying,” quipped another X user.

“No one realised Bannon meant literally,” Xitted one user.

The net filled up with snide comments and images of Trump “panty lines,” some photoshopped, others not. Team Trump was not amused.

Yet another netizen postulated:

Team Trump is desperately pushing a narrative about @RonDeSantis supposedly being gross when he eats as a distraction from the growing #TrumpSmells scandal as the Orange Emperor is found to be a putrid diaper-soiling scent machine.

That DeSantis video is here.

So, hold your nose but not your breath at the prospect of something as primitive as smell stopping Trump’s nascent fascist movement. We’ve held out so many hopes for stopping a second Trump presidency. He faces a raft of criminal charges. He could be convicted before 2024 voting starts. He faces 14th Amendment challenges in court. He could be declared disaqualified.


“One consistent finding is that conservatives show higher disgust sensitivity than liberals,” finds one of many studies. “To a surprising degree, our political beliefs may derive from a specific aspect of our biological makeup: our propensity to feel physical revulsion,” Kathleen McAuliffe recounted inThe Atlantic.

The ultimate irony would be smell being what lodges in the lizard brains of MAGA cult members and finally stops Diaper Don.

Happy Hollandaise!

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