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Elise Sold Her Soul To The Devil

And he may reward her with the big enchilada

Is it possible Trump will actually choose Stefanik? I still doubt it. She’s not out of central casting after all, at least not in the way Trump thinks is important. But apparently he’s talked about it”

During a candlelit dinner with Mar-a-Lago members in late December, former President Donald Trump walked around the table as the conversation turned to one of the biggest decisions he’d have to make should he become the Republican nominee: Whom should he pick to be his running mate? 

That’s when Rep. Elise Stefanik, the hard-charging upstate New York Republican, came up, according to a person at the dinner table. Attendees around Trump raved about her viral moment just weeks before, when she grilled three university presidents at a congressional hearing about antisemitism on campus

At the thought of Stefanik as a possible choice for vice president, Trump nodded approvingly.

“She’s a killer,” Trump said, according to the person at the event. 

Ever since then, Trump and a growing group of allies have started to look more closely at Stefanik as a running mate, according to eight people familiar with the matter, including people in Trump’s orbit, Stefanik fundraising bundlers and former Trump administration officials. 

At the time, the 39-year-old congresswoman was at the crest of a wave of national publicity after taking on the top leaders of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their answers to the question, “Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate [your college’s] rules on bullying and harassment?” eventually resulted in two of them resigning and brought a firestorm of criticism on the schools. 

But Stefanik was on Trump’s radar long before that hearing, because she possesses one of the key attributes he’s looking for in a 2024 running mate: loyalty. That, mixed with her ability to drive the news on key issues, may be an irresistible mix for a vice presidential pick.

“Stefanik is at the top,” said Steve Bannon, who was Trump’s chief strategist in the White House and the architect of his 2016 campaign strategy. 

“If you’re Trump, you want someone who’s loyal above all else,” a Republican campaign operative said. “Particularly because he sees Mike Pence as having made a fatal sin.”

Stefanik won’t make that mistake. She has shown herself to be completely without morals or principles of any kind.

I’m not sure she brings anything other than that to the table (which, granted, may be all that counts to Trump.) She’s just not a very likable politician and I suspect she could be as polarizing in her own way as Sarah Palin was in the 2008 race. I just don’t think she would bring in any of those suburban moms they’d really like to have back in the fold.Why else put a woman on the ticket in the first place? It’s not like they care about “diversity, equity and inclusion.”

I just want you to take a minute and contemplate what a Stefanik presidency would be like (just in case Trump falls face first into the omelette station at Mar-a-Lago.) She might be the most craven politician I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something. What the hell would she do if she finally got what she wanted?

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