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Are You Better Off Now?

Biden allies pledge over $1 billion

Lefty social media is having a field day.

Once upon a time, Republicans and their Mighty Wurlitzer ran messaging circles around Democrats. They own the media outlets. Republicans have revanchist billionaire oligarchs funding them. Hand it to the GOP, they are better than Democrats at finding a message and staying on it, repeating it, drilling it into people’s head until it sticks. Donald “91 Counts” Trump is still doing that with his stolen election fiction. His Freak chorus sings it for him from coast to coast. Except off-key.

Lately, Republicans can’t seem to turn around without stepping on a rake. When Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) rhetorically asked a press conference, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” she stepped on a big one. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) echoed it in her Stepfordesque response to Joe Biden’s the State of the Union address 10 days ago.

The Bulwark reacted to Stefanik with “AFKM?” and statistics. “At this point in 2020, a few hundred Americans were dying every day from COVID. By April 2020 that number would be over 2,000 dead per day.

Jedis these guys are not.

Even more stunning is the fact that Republicans, including the Insurrectionist-in-Chief, haven’t stopped using the line and pretending COVID-19 never happened. Social media is not letting them forget it.

Better off? “Our president is no longer telling us to ingest bleach,” replies Keith Roysdon from Knoxville.

Trump’s support may not be be crumbling, but the cracks are widening.

Weirdly, the Biden reelection campaign seems to be finding its groove in hitting the GOP square in the jaw and not letting Americans forget the Trump years.

The Biden social media team is on top of rapid response even if his team’s TikToks need work.

And that’s just COVID. The Dobbs decision is an albatross around the GOP’s neck that the left, women and men, won’t let voters forget. While Biden-Harris hits Trump hard on social media, on my streaming news the Biden-Harris campaigns ads are already regular and more upbeat.

Democrats do not have the billionaire oligarchs Republican do. But the GOP struggles to raise funds while Trump cannot secure the half-billion bond for his New York civil fraud case, Biden has more cash on hand than any Democratic presidential candidate at this point in the race and his allies are rallying to supply over a billion dollars more (New York Times):

A new $120 million pledge to lift President Biden and his allies will push the total expected spending from outside groups working to re-elect Mr. Biden to $1 billion this year.

The League of Conservation Voters, a leading climate organization that is among the biggest spenders on progressive causes, announced its plans for backing Mr. Biden on Tuesday, at a moment when his Republican challenger, former President Donald J. Trump, is struggling to raise funds. Mr. Biden’s campaign, independent of the outside groups, expects to raise and spend $2 billion as part of his re-election bid.


The pro-Biden outside money originates from nearly a dozen organizations that include climate groups, labor unions and traditional super PACs. There are left-wing groups like MoveOn and moderate Republicans like Republican Voters Against Trump.

The largest spenders so far are Future Forward, the super PAC blessed by the Biden campaign, which has reserved more than $250 million in television advertising; the Service Employees International Union, which said last week that it would spend $200 million to back Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats; and American Bridge, the Democratic research organization that said in January that it planned to spend $140 million on an anti-Trump advertising campaign in battleground states.

“The sheer scale of what we’re talking about has never been seen before in our country’s history,” said Tiffany Muller, the president of End Citizens United, the government reform advocacy group working to limit the ability of these types of outside groups to spend unlimited sums on elections.

More of that, please.

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