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The Law Won

The law and order Republicans are very upset:

It’s not just the officials:

Newsmax host Carl Higbie went on a tirade on Friday after former President Donald Trump was convicted by a Manhattan jury the day before.


During Friday’s edition of Frontline on Newsmax, Higbie demanded congressional Republicans drop everything and go after those involved in Trump’s prosecution.

“Where the hell are you guys on this one?” he said. “Stop everything in Congress. Subpoena everyone. Don’t take summer recess. Don’t take weekends. Don’t even get up to go to the bathroom. Get in there and subpoena everyone. This judge, his daughter, everyone affiliated with anything ever, ever! I don’t care if we stop building bridges and highways and stop funding our government. You fight fire with fire. Otherwise, these Marxists are going to keep doing this.”

I’m not just talking. You tyrants are about to awaken a machine you don’t want. You are pushing people to the edge. The same party that is offended by the wrong pronoun is pushing the party that owns 90% of the guns, of which, the majority defends our nation, who mine our minerals, who build our skyscrapers, and drive our trucks.

You weak people have no idea. You people in your cities with your white-shoe consultants, country clubs who thought prosecuting Trump was a good idea. You have never met America.

After talking about how Republicans have most of the guns and making a Braveheart reference, Higbie claimed it is Democrats who want violence.

“They want violence so they can cancel this next election that they know they’re gonna lose,” he baselessly alleged. “Don’t fall for it. And the liberal networks? They want it so bad, they can taste it.”

The host concluded by predicting Republicans will win in a landslide in November and that Trump will prosecute Democrats.

He is very upset. Here he is on Friday comparing Biden to Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin:

Oops, wrong video. Here it is:

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