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A Study In Contrasts

As Democrats continue with their perennial handwringing over the election and media bigfoots write the 3,785th article about why, despite polls showing a tied election. Joe Biden should drop out it’s interesting to note that the recently convicted felon heading up the other party’s ticket is being deliriously embraced by voters and officials alike. Not even one Republicans has suggested he step down. Not one newspaper or right wing columnist. Nada.

The Huffington Post’s S.V. Date takes a look at the GOP’s total unwillingness to even consider dumping Trump:

Eight years after a credible effort to dump Donald Trump as their presidential nominee because of his vulgarity, Republicans today appear stuck with the newly convicted felon for November, with no realistic means of taking the nomination away from him at their convention next month, even if they wanted to.

“There will be no move to, no mechanism for and no interest in removing Trump at the convention,” said Richard Porter, a Republican National Committee member from Illinois.

To Fergus Cullen, a former RNC member as a onetime chair of the state party in New Hampshire, the key element of that analysis is “no interest in.”

“The residents of Jonestown chose suicide rather than leave,” he said, likening Trump to the infamous cult leader Jim Jones. “He has a death grip on the RNC and the delegates. Even if polls showed him losing 65-35, they would choose to go down with him.”

That’s an interesting analogy isn’t it? Especially considering that Trump said this just this last weekend:

Back in 2016 they tried to stop him. The rules allowed for it. But Trump has taken care of that. Today he has personal flunkies in almost every position in the party. Even if there was a movement afoot to do it, which there isn’t, there will no path to make it happen under the rules.

I would imagine there might be a few Haley voters in the group who’ll carry some signs but the GOP is winner take all in most states (thanks to trump) and there won’t be much pushback. It will be a Trump coronation with all the bells and whistles. There will be no deviation among the cultists.

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