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Just Don’t Call Them Losers

That’s all it takes to make the cult completely lose it’s collective mind.

Maybe Biden should try that at the debate when Trump gets “tough and nasty” as he says he going to do:

Donald Trump might be eschewing formal preparations for Thursday’s debate — but that doesn’t mean he isn’t thinking about it.

In fact, the former president couldn’t stop talking about his upcoming bout against Joe Biden as he rallied in the president’s adopted home turf of Philadelphia on Saturday night.

Over the course of nearly 90 minutes, Trump interspersed talk of his economic plans and complaints about his criminal conviction in New York with musings about the potentially consequential political clash.

He mocked Biden for holing up behind closed doors at Camp David to prepare for the debate, suggesting the president would turn to illicit substances to boost his performance. He disparaged CNN debate moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, whom he called “Fake Tapper,” to boos from the crowd gathered at an arena on Temple University’s campus.

As he railed against the Manhattan criminal trial in which he was convicted of 34 charges of falsifying business records, he claimed the gag order he’s under could prevent him from answering some of the debate moderators’ questions.

Trump even attempted to crowd-source suggestions for how he should approach Biden: Should he “be tough and nasty” toward his Democratic rival or should he “be nice and calm and let him speak?” (After some crowd reaction, Trump indicated he was favoring the former.)

Still, Trump appeared at least somewhat taken aback when rally-goers roared in response to his question about whether they planned to watch Thursday’s debate in Atlanta.

“I’m shocked,” Trump said, raising his hands. “No, I’m shocked.”

Trump’s rally in Philly yesterday was strangely “light”. In an arena that usually sells out for college basketball, Trump didn’t pull and there are plenty of Trump voters in Pennsylvania. He didn’t pull in Nevada either. You can say it’s the heat and maybe it is but it seems to me that it’s possible the only people who want to hear that tired overdone spiel anymore are the craziest of the Trump crazies — like those in that video above.

Trump is “prepping” for his debate by appearing before friendly crowds and rambling incoherently. Good luck to him.

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