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“Cackling Co-pilot”

They are applying “the cackle” to Kamala Harris already. It was a common description of Hillary Clinton. And it wasn’t Republicans who came up with it.

From 2008:

This just in: Hillary Clinton has been laughing a lot lately. Yes, it’s true — a candidate long accused of being cold and unappealing has taken to emitting a hearty chuckle in public, and on the airwaves. We hope you were sitting down for that one.

Actually, in this highly-monitored campaign, the decisions of its most-disciplined and most-focus-grouped candidate are news, and the Hillary Laugh Tactic has been noticeable. Jon Stewart picked up on it in earlier this week, splicing laugh segments together (in a way that, let’s be honest, would make anyone appear manic), but it certainly set up the punchline: Jon fixing the camera with an intense, humorless gaze and saying “I’M JOYFUL.” Frank Rich noted it too: “Now Mrs. Clinton is erupting in a laugh with all the spontaneity of an alarm clock buzzer.” And then, of course, there was The Cackle.

NYT reporter Patrick Healy is an expert on The Cackle. He’s been observing it carefully since January 2005, he tells us right off the bat. In the middle of heated press questioning, “suddenly it happened: Mrs. Clinton let loose a hearty belly laugh that lasted a few seconds…This was my first close encounter with Senator Clinton, and with The Cackle.” This reads with all the slow-building horror of a B-movie Professor explaining to his save-the-world student how he first came face to face with Evil, and learned to name it.

“Friends of hers told a different story,” says Healy, that she actually had a “fantastic sense of humor.” (Well, they would say that, but Healy can see through them.) Then there’s this:

Mrs. Clinton goes for the lowest-common-denominator display of her funny bone: She shows that she can laugh, and that her laugh has a fullness and depth.

Oh, you — you with your laugh of fullness and depth — we’re on to you. Go back to the gutter you crawled out of, lowlife.

Seriously. What IS this? This article was deemed significant enough by the NYT to publish not once, but twice, under two separate headlines and two separate dates (Sept. 28th on the web, graduating to Sept.30th in the paper). But when I look at it, I see a hit piece masquerading as analysis. Why? “The Cackle.”

If Harris becomes the nominee or is simply seen as the shadow president going forward since the concerns about Biden are so acute this is the type of thing that’s going to happen to her. Trump will do it, of course. But the media will help.

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