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I Don’t Know What This Means But It Means Something

Is America ready for Pete or is this just a moment in liberal-land?

He is a seriously talented politician and I know I’d love to see him out there on the campaign trail with Harris. He’s obviously smart enough to be president. (I mean, look at what the GOP has been putting on offer…) Is it time?

Politico reports that he’s on the list:

Suddenly, Pete Buttigieg is everywhere.

The Transportation secretary is blitzing the airwaves with his Midwest-nice takedowns of Donald Trump and JD Vance. Members of Congress are talking him up. Buttigieg’s digital alumni network is circulating clips of appearances and touting his complementary skills to Kamala Harris. He did a canvassing kickoff for Harris in Traverse City, Michigan, on Saturday morning. And an ally in his home state of Indiana — saying they were acting independently of Buttigieg— has compiled a dossier evaluating Harris’ options and concluding: “Simply put, the vibes are high right now.”

The Pete for Veep trial balloon is approaching mid-flight. His allies view it as a clear signal that Buttigieg wants the job.

“He’s open to it,” a person familiar with his thinking said.

But Harris confidants and allies remain skeptical about his chances, according to interviews with a half-dozen of them, all granted anonymity to speak freely. They anticipate she’ll be ruthlessly pragmatic about her selection, viewing other contenders from outside the Beltway as better positioned to deliver key states and constituencies.

Of Buttigieg, one said, “I just don’t see it.”

And even those around Buttigieg readily concede they view him as a longshot. He and Harris are both products of the Biden administration — not exactly screaming change — and Buttigieg carries some of the same baggage as Harris from their time in the administration. He has been at the center of travel disruptions in his job as transportation secretary, including mass delays at airports, even as he has ushered in protections for airline passengers and leveled historic fines against carriers. And then there is the matter of diversity, with some Democrats fearful a ticket with a woman and a gay man may be unpalatable to some swing voters — too much change, too fast.

He’s so good at it that it’s tempting to think he can overcome all those objections. And maybe he can. But even if they decide to pull one of the other great contenders off the bench, he’s got a great future. And he certainly seems to be popular.

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