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Strength And Stamina Redux

Trump spent the 2016 campaign saying that Hillary Clinton didn’t have the “strength and the stamina” to be president, which was his thinly veiled way of saying that a woman can’t do the job. He’s doing the same thing to Harris:

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested thatVice President Harris wouldn’t be able to stand up to world leaders because of her appearance, adding that he didn’t want to spell it out but viewers would know what he meant.

“She’ll be like a play toy,” Trump — who has a history of using sexist attacks and stereotypes in campaigns against women — said in a Fox News interview with Laura Ingraham, a portion of which aired on Tuesday night. “They look at her and they say, ‘We can’t believe we got so lucky.’ They’re going to walk all over her.”

Trump then turned to look directly at the camera and added: “And I don’t want to say as to why. But a lot of people understand it.”

The campaign tried to clean it up:

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said he was not referring to race or gender and went on to criticize Harris over her record on immigration and other Biden administration policies

If that was what he was talking about he certainly could have said outloud that on Fox News. He’s right about one thing. We all understand exactly what he was saying.

I kind of suspect that when world leaders look at the narcissistic elderly imbecile in the orange make-up and weird Flock of Seagulls hairdo, they know exactly what they’re dealing with. Talk about a “play-toy.”

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