Yet they support him anyway

Trump’s relationship with GOP Senators has always been a little bit fraught. It’s clear that there are some who are not true believers, they’re just cynical opportunists and cowards. It never fails to amaze me to see them demonstrate it in public, however. It’s as if they’re actually proud of their lack of backbone:
For weeks, Senate Republicans delighted in the misery of their Democratic counterparts. The political story of the summer — whether President Biden would back down from his run at a second term — left GOP senators smiling and away from the media’s glaring spotlight on their foibles.
But the tables quickly turned. Their party’s presidential nominee recently returned to his natural form and lashed out against Vice President Harris in divisive terms that had little basis in truth. Republicans went right back into the political PTSD of the Donald Trump era, mouthing the same platitudes that they grasped onto during his presidency.
“He needs to focus on the policies of the Biden-Harris administration,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) told reporters Thursday morning.
Was she comfortable with Trump’s rhetoric? “He needs to focus on the Biden-Harris policies. That’s the successful pathway to November,” Capito said.
If that’s the path to success, why does Trump instead dive right into attacks on race instead of policy?
Capito let out a roaring laugh that lasted six whole seconds, incapable of answering the question — or unwilling to share her honest answer.
“I’m a really good mother and grandmother. I can’t answer that one,” she said.
How adorable. She laughed — at Trump’s verbal incontinence and flagrant racism. And she’ll stump for him and tell everyone to vote for him anyway. She is actually worse than the dim-witted true believers like Tommy Tuberville. She knows.