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What Did Fox Viewers See?

Not everything, that’s for sure.

Matthew Sheffield watched Fox News’ coverage of the DNC last night and found that they censored the Black politicians except for Kamala Harris’ brief remarks. Seriously. They did not show the speeches by Karen Bass, Laphonza Butler, James Clyburn, Jasmine Crockett, or Raphael Warnock. They also didn’t show the speech by Sean Fein, which says everything:

The crowd erupted into “Trump’s a scab” chants repeatedly. I can only imagine how much that irritated him.

The Fox audience might have learned something if the network had shown it — which is why they didn’t, of course. The oligarchs and greedheads which run the right wing media universe must keep the rubes in the dark if they hope to maintain power.

As for the Black officials, I wouldn’t expect anything else. Seeing all those exceptional, decent, highly accomplished Black Democrats would disorient many of their racist viewers and they might even change the channel. Can’t have that.

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