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Policy, Policy, Policy

Oh Lindsey. You are just as dishonest and delusional as your daddy:

“You saw a hate fest full of insults. And Donald Trump said to Barack Obama, you’re a nice man after President Obama insulted and and jabbed President Trump continuously,” Graham said. “It was designed to draw him into an exchange of insults.”

“It was light on policy, heavy on insults. So I told President Trump, then and now, you’re going to win this thing if you focus on policy,” he added.

Graham then noted that people are not “joyful” on several matters including inflation and cost of living, and pitched a Trump second term. Democrats have been using themes of “joy” heavily since Harris became the nominee.

“I think President Trump offers the best solution to change the trajectory of the country. And finally, if you’re waiting on Kamala Harris to come up with new policies, you’re going to die waiting, because she will continue what they’ve been doing for the last four years,” Graham said. “That’s why she has no new policies to offer, because they’re going to keep doing the same old thing.”

This policy line is just hilarious. What are Trump’s new policies? Who knows? He’s just blathering about “drill baby drill” and “growth” being the solution to every problem. He makes ridiculous claims that everyone in the country wanted to return Roe v Wade to the states and everyone is very happy with it. (Has anyone asked people like Graham or JD Vance if they agree with that? I’d like to know.) It literally could not be more fatuous.

Graham is trying hard to get back in Trump’s good graces:

Graham also responded to a clip of Trump earlier this week where the former president said he did not care what the South Carolina senator has to say.

“I will be by his side in this election. I am proud of what he did as our president,” Graham said.

Awwww. He’s such a good little boy.

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