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How Could They Do That To Dear Leader?

Trump has primed his cult to believe that Kamala Harris is an illegitimate president. Of course he has. “Obama wasn’t born in the US!” “Clinton shouldn’t be allowed to run!”because of her emails. “Joe Biden didn’t win, they cheated!” Now he’s laying the groundwork to whine that Harris should not have been allowed to run. And his people believe it:

Jason Streem, also 46, a dentist from the Cleveland suburbs who supports Trump, objected to the way Harris became the nominee.

“She was never part of the running process,” he said in a follow-up interview. “She never received the primary votes.” He called it “the most undemocratic way of picking a nominee.”

“It just threw me off,” complained Roger Sierra, 28, of Miami, an independent who supports Trump. He questioned Harris’ rise − put on the Democratic ticket in 2020 even though she failed to win a single delegate during her short-lived presidential bid, “and then for her to have this much support and just to be installed rather than voted in, it’s just a little, how would I say, confusing to me.”

Someone should explain to this poor fellow so he isn’t so confused. JD Vance has never received one delegate and he’s on the ticket. Neither did Mike Pence, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine and on and on. That has nothing to do with anything. In fact, Vance, unlike those others, never ran for any office until 2022. He has almost zero experience in politics.

As for Harris being “installed” it’s totally up to the parties what to do in the circumstance of a candidate dropping out. In this case the party delegates were all polled and decided on Harris, the VP they had all voted for enthusiastically in 2020 to replace Biden if he couldn’t continue. Nothing weird about any of it except the unusual circumstances of an incumbent president deciding not to run again late in the primary season.

If it was so undemocratic you’d think there would be a bunch of Democrats complaining about having their choice of nominee usurped by this process. Nobody’s objected! Democrats are thrilled with their nominee. In the words of Tim Walz, “mind your own damn business!”

But you knew all that. This person is disappointed that his Dear Leader isn’t going to coast to re-election (he never way, by the way) and now he’s in for a fight. Boo hoo.

But you can bet that if she wins the cult will be screaming about Harris being a usurper forever.

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