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Today’s Unhinged Trump Rant

Trump held another unhinged “press conference” (at which he took no questions) today:

Trump today: “I grab her and I start kissing her and making out with her. What are the chances of that happening?”

Well.. Trump 2005 Access Hollywood: “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

He went on for an hour like that. My favorite part was when he trashed his own legal team (standing behind him) and got mad that they didn’t bring up “the dress” in the hearing today. Apparently, he didn’t understand that this was an appellate hearing and there would be no new evidence presented. (The dress was disallowed at his original trial.)

He was obviously very upset.

Here are some excerpts:

(It was not AI generated)

Aaaand like clockwork:

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