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Doubling Down On The Gutter

Trump’s girlfriend put this out just yesterday:

Her foul insults are what he loves about her. You know it’s what he says in private.

She is saying in public what he wishes he could say.

He’s very excited to see her.

LL: We love you!
Trump: Oh! Laura!
LL: I love you!
Trump: *blows kiss*
LL: I love you president Trump
LL: Amazing speech! I loved it!
Trump: There’s never been one like it
LL: I will never give up on you!
Trump: How did you like that?
LL: Amazing! You’re amazing!
Trump: Call me tomorrow. Call me, *blows another kiss*
LL: Amazing! Best president ever

Have you ever seen Trump blow a kiss to a “supporter” before? Twice?

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