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The Grift Never Ends

Donald Trump is running for president. And he may just win. It’s that close. And this is what he’s doing 6 weeks before the election.

The watches sell for $499, which I’m sure is a bargain for the people who are suffering in this economy which Trump says is the worst in American history.

But get a load of this:

He is basically soliciting bribes at this point. He can raise a quick million and a half from rich buddies and it will go directly into his pocket before the election. As we’ve seen with his promises to everyone from the oil and gas industry to the vape industry in exchange for policy promises in the last few months, Trump is in a frenzy of corruption right now.

I wonder why this hasn’t really penetrated the media? We’re hearing lots of details about Eric Adams’ alleged crimes, some of which are worth big money and others which are penny ante graft. Meanwhile there’s virtually nothing about the recent reporting about Trump’s huge $10 million bribe from Egypt in 2016 or him selling Bibles, NFTs, Crypto, Picture Book, Shoes, and hundreds of other trinkets and now $100,000 watches to 147 lucky interested parties, in the middle of his presidential campaign!

We know the DOJ will not charge him for anything in the weeks before the election but considering what they did to Clinton when Comey re-opened the “butheremails” investigation 2 weeks ahead of the election, you’d think someone would find this to be a worthy story.

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