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Sitting Out The Election?

Probably not a good idea if you care about what’s happening in the Middle East.

I appreciate him revealing his decision making process — “hit first and worry about the rest later.” What could go wrong?

The Miller Center has an interesting overview of Trump’s foreign policy in the first term. It was all over the place. He is an isolationist who nonetheless built up the military and approved any number of military actions. He was heavily involved in Syria and his vaunted outreach to North Korea resulted in Kim Jong Un continuing his nuclear and ballistic missile program even as Trump boosted his prestige on the international stage. We all know what he did with Russia. His treatment of our allies was outrageous and completely gratuitous.

In my opinion, he reversed as much of Obama’s policies as he could mainly because he didn’t know anything and that was an easy choice. (People around him were happy for him to do it because they genuinely disagreed with the policies like the Paris Accords and the Iran nuclear deal. If Obama had been against them, Trump would have been for them.)

There was no coherence to his actions. He seemed to do everything by impulse. As you can see by that comment above, he has not changed.

His foreign policy was puerile and stupid and I think it’s clear that he has not learned anything since then. After all the man stuck classified nuclear documents in a bunch of junk files and stored them in the toilet at Mar-a-Lago. He is not a serious person. He’ll be even worse in the next term. Why? Here’s a list of Trump’s top 10 foreign policy advisers. Stephen Miller, Ric Grenell and Kash Patel are among them. The rest aren’t much better.

There’s not a guardrail anywhere in sight.

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