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Liz And Mike Are Fighting

So Mike Johnson textd with is erstwhile friend Liz Cheney after her appearance on Meet the Press last week. He told Axios they “agreed to disagree.” Liz says, not so much:

Cheney disputed Johnson’s characterization of the exchange, telling Axios that she and the speaker “used to be friends, but we did not ‘agree to disagree.'”

Johnson said he had not spoken to Cheney in a “very long time,” but decided to text her after “she said some very uncharitable things.”I do not have faith that Mike Johnson will fulfill his constitutional obligations,” Cheney told NBC on Oct. 13.

Johnson told Axios he shared “how disappointed I was in that, to make things personal, because I’ve not done that. … We had a little debate in conversation, on text message, back and forth and agreed to disagree.”

Cheney stood by her accusations against Johnson, taking issue with his comments that he will commit to certifying if “the election is free and fair and legal.” […]

In a further statement she said:

“Mike knows this is a conscious choice between right and wrong and can’t honestly rationalize supporting Trump on this.”

Cheney is critical of Johnson for his lead role in the bogus amicus brief challenging the results and she’s right about that. Of course we should all be suspicious thathe will do something similar this time if hegets the chance.

Johnson whines:

“You know the idea that President Trump is somehow a danger to the Republic, and that any of us who support him are a danger or would not fulfill our constitutional obligations, all these things that have been said are it’s just nonsense,” Johnson told Axios in an interview.

“She knows, she knows me. She used to know me well and knows that I’m a constitutional conservative, and I take all matters at this level very seriously, and I will fulfill my constitutional oath. And to say otherwise is just dishonest,” he continued.

Bullshit. Donald Trump is an existensial danger to the Republic and these GOP enablers are helping him do it. If he really believes that helping that monster attempt another coup is fulfilling his constitutional oath he’s eityher delusional or he’s lying. I think it’s the latter.

Cheney told Axios she has repeatedly told Johnson “there was never any good faith basis for the stolen election allegations,” and alleged “Mike knows Trump is dangerously unstable.”

“Had Mike been acting as a lawyer representing Trump, he would have been sanctioned, disbarred or indicted for taking those positions — just as several Trump lawyers were. The courts, including several conservative judges appointed by Trump, rejected each legal argument Mike makes,” she told Axios.

“Mike does not have constitutional authority to overrule the courts. Ignoring those rulings is tyranny Trump’s own White House lawyers testified against him. Trump’s campaign lawyers testified against him. Trump’s Justice Department officials testified against him. So did his VP,” she added.

“If Trump is somehow elected, neither Mike nor anyone else will be able to control him.”

Of course not. And I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t want to control him. I think they are all very much on board the Project 2025 agenda and Trump will let them do whatever they want as long as he can exact revenge on his enemies, lick Putin’s boots, enact tariffs and terrorize immigrants. And I’m not even sure he really cares about the latter two that much unless it’s to pay off a pal or punish someone for looking at him sideways.

Mike Johnson sees the theocratic autocracy he’s always dreamed of within his grasp. He’ll do whatever it takes to get it. Others want the police state and others still see the financial benefits. Trump is their instrument.

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