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More Fatuous Sanctimony From The GOP

That;s all well and good. But here’s a CNN piece from last month:

“She’s a Marxist, communist, fascist, socialist,” Trump said at an Arizona rally on Thursday.

“This is a radical-left, Marxist, communist, fascist,” Trump said while attacking Harris at a news conference on Friday.

This wasn’t new rhetoric. “We have a fascist person running who’s incompetent,” Trump told Virginia residents during a campaign stop in August; at an Arizona rally in August, Trump said the true divide in American politics is between patriots with traditional values and “these far-left fascists led by Harris and her group.”

And Trump has gone beyond saying that electing Harris would mean an end to American democracy. He has said this summer that electing Harris would mean “you’re not going to have a country anymore” and that “we’re not going to have a country left.”

Not to mention him calling his political enemies vermin and saying they’re poisoning the blood of the country as well as a thousand other demeaning insults. He’s made over a thousand threats to punish or prosecute his political enemies.

Johnson and McConnell know very well that they are being unctuous hypocrites. You can just see the smug smirks they must have had while they were drafting that. It’s absurd. But that’s the point.

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