What the hell happened to make that big of a shift among this particular demographic and not the others? I’m honestly stymied and I have to wonder if it might be an error in the exit poll.
I can certainly see why Latino men would be attracted to Trump. Many of them are working class which means they share many of the same attitudes as other blue collar types. And there’s plenty of misogyny in Hispanic culture, just as there is among their Black and white brethren. But are they laboring under the illusion that the”mass deportation” signs they held up at the RNC were simply about “illegal immigration”? If so, I’m afraid they’re very much mistaken. Sure that’s the excuse these people use. But the reality is that they just don’t like Latinos and they think they are polluting the culture. It’s xenophobia, not immigration.
And that means you too, guys. Unless they’re willing to surrender their ethnic identity completely, maybe even change their names, Trump’s ICE will not ask who they voted for before they racially profile them and possible even gather them up in the mass deportation scheme. They’re playing for the wrong team.