“I’ve studied automation, and know just about everything there is to know about it.”
There are many, many stupid things to read today. But that has to be the dumbest.
Trump is promising not to automate America’s ports on behalf of the East Coast Longshoreman’s union. (The West Coast union already made a deal to accommodate it but I guess they don’t know what they’re doing.)

I posted about this yesterday but it’s worth doing it again in light of his bragging about his vast knowledge of how the supply chain works:
You know, the supply chain is still broken. It’s broken. You see it. You go out to the docks and you see all these containers. And I own property in California, in Palos Verdes. They’re very nice. And I passed the docks, and I’ve been doing it for 20 years. I’ve never seen anything like it. You know, for 17 years, I saw containers and, you know, they’d come off and they’d be taken away—big areas, you know, you know, in that area, you know, where they have the big, the big ships coming in—big, the port. And I’d see this for years as I was out there inspecting property and things, because they own a lot in California. And I look down and I see containers that are, that are 12, 13, 14 containers. You wouldn’t believe they can hold each other. It’s like crazy. No, the supply chain is is broken. I think a very bad thing is this, what they’re doing with the cars. I think they lost also because of cars. You know, there are a lot of reasons, but the car mandate is a disaster. The electric, the EV mandate.
Obviously it no longer matters if a president is even sentient. As long as he tells people what they want to hear they’re happy. And I suppose that they want to hear that the president is an expert on every single subject. He has said that he understands immunology and epidemiology better than anyone, for instance. That explains why he led the country through the pandemic so effectively. But then his uncle taught at MIT, which obviously makes him a genius, so it’s not surprising.
Still, it is newsworthy that he’s also an expert on automation and has such a thorough understanding of how the ports work simply from “passing the docks.” Who knew?